The Boy Who Taught

10 life lessons Harry Potter taught

A Harry Potter inspired drawing.

After the Harry Potter series was written by JK Rowling, it opened the floodgates of creativity and adventure for children and young adults around the world. The fascinating tale of a young orphaned boy who sets off to defeat the worst wizard of all time captivated a wide audience from the start. It grew to become one of the most well-known series of all time and, and this is not just because of its interesting plot.

The Harry Potter series teaches countless invaluable lessons to its readers. Some may not realize what those lessons are until years later, but this does not mean that they did not subconsciously pick up on them. These lessons are what make the series an ever relevant piece of literature. Here are just 10 of the numerous lessons that the series has taught readers everywhere.

1. True friends will always have your back.

The whole story focuses on love and friendship, and the originally unlikely trio, as well as all of their other friends (ie Neville, Luna, Dobby, etc.,) who supported each other and are the reason one individual was able to prosper and thrive. Real friends will always be able to do that.

2. It’s okay to ask for help.

Sometimes in life, tasks and challenges seem to pile up and seem to be insurmountable, but with the help of others, those tasks can be fulfilled. Look at Harry during the Triwizard Tournament- without the help from his peers and teachers, he would have died during the first task. Asking for help isn’t a bad thing, and Harry Potter shows that.

3. Sometimes you have to face your biggest fears.

Facing ones fears is never a desired task, but sometimes it is a necessary step in getting what you want or need. The characters constantly were forced to face scary situations and their greatest fears, but there were able to figure it out. Facing fears is an unavoidable occurrence in life, but it shouldn’t have to be the worst thing that happens; it should be embraced and should be turned into an advantage.

4. People might not always be what they are perceived as.

Sirius Black was framed for murder and was then perceived as a psychopathic, heartless and brutal killer, when in reality, he was an innocent man who loved his friends and godson dearly. And Tom Riddle was originally seen as a smart, lonely and cunning boy who came from a tragic background, but he eventually became the murderous Dark Lord. First impressions and perceptions may not always be the truth.

5. It’s okay to make mistakes.

Every character in this book made at least one mistake, but if they owned up to and learned from it, they were able to become better for it. The audience is able to learn that mistakes don’t necessarily define you, it’s how you come back from them and use them to benefit you in the long run. That defines who you are. Mistakes are inevitable, everyone makes them, and therefore, they shouldn’t be the end of someone’s life, career or reputation.

6. Just because a lot of people are saying something, doesn’t mean it’s the truth.

Harry Potter and Dumbledore knew better than anyone else that rumors can run rampant and cause damage to ones reputation and credibility (and their sanity), but just because a lot of people are saying something doesn’t mean it’s automatically true. Everyone thought Harry and Dumbledore were lying about Voldemort being back, when in reality he was back and forming an army.

7. Money isn’t the only thing that makes you rich.

Harry Potter inherited a small fortune in wizard money and was therefore rich in a monetary sense. But Ron Weasley was very poor in a monetary sense, yet Ron was incredibly rich in family. Hermione was rich with knowledge. The series teaches us that money isn’t necessarily what makes you rich. You can be rich in many different forms that have nothing to do with money.

8. Working together is imperative.

Without team work or guidance, the characters would not have been nearly as successful. They all put their best attributes forward and created a team that was unbeatable. The audience is taught that teamwork is necessary to succeeding in life.

9. Love is stronger than hate.

Anyone who has read the books knows the importance of love throughout the series. It is one of the most touched on themes and is the reason Harry was able to survive. The books teach that love will get you farther in life than hate every will. Love always wins against hate in the end.

10. Racism and classism is not the way to go.

Characters like the Malfoys were strongly rooted in their beliefs that non pure blood wizards and witches were worthless pieces of scum that are undeserving of the same privilege and opportunities as those with pure blood. They also believe that creatures like house elves did not deserve any humane treatment and should be treated as no more than slaves. The audience is taught that this is wrong and everyone deserves equal rights, as other characters discus why that mindset is toxic and wrong.