
Affordable Book Website

  Thriftbooks is an online book store where customers can buy new or used books at a significantly discounted price.

  They sell over seven million books, and almost all of their selection of used copies are under five dollars, even the hard backs. They allow customers to choose what quality of book they want and gives them a range of prices they can choose based on what condition the desired book is in. This website is amazing for students that are looking for books they can actually afford without the risk of the book being damaged. They have a variety of different books you can buy including textbooks that are great for students.

  This website also loads up on the discounts as it tracks how much money you spend and adds it up with every purchase. They give consumers a $5 coupon every time you spend $50. That sounds like a lot of money to spend, but they offer free shipping in the US with every $10 purchase so that you don’t have to pay extra and can buy more books with the money you would’ve spent on shipping. The low prices mean that you can buy three to four books in one transaction, depending on the quality you chose, and not have to pay extra for shipping.

  The books ship within two days and usually arrive within two weeks after purchase. This means that if you need a book for English, you don’t have to wait a month for it to arrive like you would if you purchased the book on Amazon.

  Thriftbooks also offers discounts to customers who refer a friend. If you “tell a friend,” you get 15% off your next order, and people who download the app also get 15% off of a single order. The rewards and benefits are practically endless and help you save money.

  If you are a student looking for cheap access to books without taking a leap of faith with quality, or just a bookworm who’s tired of killing your wallet with purchases, you should definitely check out Thriftbooks. It will definitely be worth your time.