De’ja Davis (right) poses with a Olympian Sanya Richards-Ross.
Person of the Week: De’ja Davis
athlete and performer
At a school with as many clubs and organizations as Cy Woods, it is easy for a student to become heavily invovled in a wide array of fields. Senior De’ja Davis is one if those students who has found a variety of passions throughout high school.
“[I am in] Varsity Track, Varsity Choir, Choir council Youth leader at my Church, majority of my classes are AP classes and I’m the President of Impact Club,” Davis said.
Davis’ vast amount of extracurriculars have shaped her into the person she is today.
“Although, there are circumstantial problems, obstacles, tests and trials that all these activities bring, it allowed me to better understand myself as a person,” Davis said. “I very rarely give up. I strive for success and will not settle for anything less. When certain doors were slammed in my face, I knew bigger, better and greater opportunities were available. Anything can be thrown at me and I will continue to do my best. I thank God for blessing me with all the gifts and talents, along with all the honorable character traits. I thank him even more for strategically placing a variance of challenges in my life, so I could overcome them.”
While she is passionate about all of her activities, track holds a special advantage in her heart.
“I love track,” Davis said. “Just because I run track does not mean I love to run. In fact, running did not make the cut to be on the list of things I love about track. I love winning. I love competing. I love medals. I love feeling fast. I love setting goals and accomplishing them. I love waking up sore to confirm that I really worked hard the previous day. I just love track.”
While most people struggle to balance their bustling lives, Davis has been fortunate.
“I really have no idea how I balance my schedule to be honest,” Davis said. “As horrible as that sounds, I guess it just balances itself out. Maybe my brain automatically knows what activity comes first and like what’s priority and what’s not.”
Though her busy schedule can present conflicts, Davis believes the benefits outweigh any possible difficulties.
“It’s often times overwhelming but there are rewards with the activities that I do, so they end up canceling each other out,” Davis said.
To add to her schedule, Davis decided to create a new club called Impact club, that blends some of her passions.
“I decided to start Impact Club mainly because of what happened with Hurricane Harvey,” Davis said. “The impact of Hurricane Harvey’s has affected the city of Houston and its citizens in a profound way. The latest prediction of the cost to rebuild has been estimated at more than $100 billion. As I try to wrap my mind around what we’ve experienced as a community, two particular tragedies stand out. I am reminded of the loss of Sgt. Steve Perez, an officer who drowned trying to make it to work to rescue fellow Houstonians. I was also profoundly affected by the tragic loss of six members of one family whose van was swept away in floodwaters. These unbearable losses created a feeling of hopelessness on our city – my hometown. Hurricane Harvey was an unprecedented storm that has drastically changed the lives of so many people. At one point I was beginning to feel hopeless, then I decided to do something about it. The main idea of Club Impact is to attempt to give back to the community while having fun. There is a dancing portion where multiple members of the club will teach intense hip-hop dances to those who want to learn, but these are dances that’ll be performed at basketball games and pep rallies. There is also a singing portion where singers will sing an R&B rendition of the National Anthem at Varsity Basketball games. The name of the Club is Impact because our goal is to make a huge impact in the community while encouraging others to do the same.”
The club is open to everyone and encourages participation.
“People can join whenever,” Davis said. “They join by getting in contact with anyone that is already apart of the club, attend a meeting to get started and get the prerequisites.”
Davis hopes to continue to follow her passions after high school as a dermatologist and creating skin products for ethnic skin.