The Cypress woods ROTC

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The Cypress woods ROTC

Person of the Week: Samantha Robles

Wildcat talks about pride in ROTC

Patriots day is coming up this Sunday and in honor of this day there is no better way to do it than to talk to a future U.S. Navy veteran from Cypress Woods. Walking into her first day in ROTC senior Samantha Robles was both fascinated and terrified.

“Older cadets already knew what to do,” Robles said. “Yet they did their best to get [everyone] accustomed to the way things run, so overall it is a pretty close-knit community with everyone helping each other out.”

Robles takes pride in ROTC despite the misconceptions behind it.

“It’s a way to become a better citizen,” Robles said. “It’s not really a class about the military it’s just influenced by it. It’s about rules, regulations, manners, and how to treat others with respect in military tradition. Also its a great way to honor the veterans before me and it’s mostly the respect [aspect] I take pride in, both in uniform and out.”

It is the small things like the respect that we take for granted that Robles saw as something that she could use to find her place in military service.

“The disciple and high standards seemed like a challenge, so I like that,” Robles said. “I already felt like I was going to join the military, but I used ROTC to look into each branch and asked questions from those who knew what the military is truly like.”

Robles feels that this experience has really helped her grow as a person.

“It has made me a lot more humble, respectful, and a bit more serious,” Robles said. “Overall I think it has made me more disciplined.”

Robles plans to join the Navy after high school and serve her country with pride. Never forgetting the dedication and teachings of her Major and Sergeant. She will continue to take on new challenges with honor every step of the way.


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