I have uttered the words, “I’ve never seen it” far more times than I would like to admit. I claim to love movies and watching unique stories unfold, but in reality I am oblivious to the classics. I recently decided to tackle a fan-favorite: “The Princess Bride.”
This movie starts with an older man visiting his ill grandson to share a story. This story is, of course, “The Princess Bride.” As the movie continues, we watch the unravelling tale of a heartbroken princess getting kidnapped, getting saved, and falling in love.
I was initially skeptical of the film because the quality certainly lived up to its 1987 release date. I was distracted numerous times during fight scenes or “intense” plot points because I couldn’t stop laughing at the poor green screen and set design. I eventually decided to interpret it as satire because it was the only way I could push through.
On the other hand, the storyline was actually fairly interesting. It had the classic element of the attractive blonde man saving the princess from the evil brunette. Now I know this is the cliche plot of every old movie, but it works.
The side characters also had interesting depth. My two favorites were Inigo and Fezzik. Their dynamic as a duo was so fun, and their individual moments were very engaging. I especially loved watching Inigo’s passion towards finding the man who killed his father deepen overtime.
One of my main critiques for this movie is the development of the romance. I wish we got more substantial and concrete proof of Westley and Buttercup’s farm-grown romance. However, this desire may stem from my rom-com heart, so it did not bother me too much.
Let’s get down to the main question: Does this movie deserve the immense hype? In my opinion, this movie was definitely better in theory than in execution. I loved the fairytale experience, but the movie itself was not revolutionary. Sadly, I think I am going to stick to my more modern favorites.